Kneat and CAI:  Building the Future of Validation Together

Building the Future of Validation Together was the title of a recent webinar co-presented by Rick Mineo, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Kneat and Aaron Roth, Associate Director, Global C&Q, CAI.  The webinar can be found here:

This title perfectly sums up the growing relationship that was formalized just over a year ago.  In that time, we have built and validated our own instance of Kneat to house our best-in-class content derived from over 25 years of industry experience.  Through this work we have achieved Platform Partner and Program Specialist status.  We are also on track to have Super User certification complete and achieve Implementation Partner by the end of 2022.

What’s this have to do with the future of validation?

We and Kneat believe that the future of commissioning and validation is electronic.  There are numerous benefits to progressing your CQV programs to be fully digital:

  • Reduce the number of human mistakes
  • Establish Best Practice Libraries
  • Faster and more effective testing
  • Faster and more effective review and approval
  • Time and cost reduction

Just to name a few.

How can CAI provide me value with Kneat?

CAI has invested in the creation of a best in class library of content that customers can leverage to speed their own success.  Project Ready is CAI’s validated instance of Kneat.  If you are looking to execute a validation project without standing up your own instance of Kneat, CAI can create a workspace for you in as little as a week.  If you are looking to start up your own instance of Kneat, but don’t want to start from a blank sheet of paper then look to Head Start.  With Head Start, you can use CAI’s configuration, content and validation as a starting point and reduce your implementation time by up to 75%.

What if I have my own instance of Kneat?

With a small army of Kneat certified agents, CAI can execute projects in our customers Kneat instance.  If you are implementing a Kneat instance that you want to design from the ground up or you want to optimize your existing instance to better match industry best practices, then we offer Operational Excellence services.

How can I find out more?

Stay tuned to our LinkedIn channel as we will be writing more about each of these offerings in the coming weeks.

About the Author:

Jon Thompson, Principal Consultant
Jon is a Principal Consultant with CAI who has over 23 years of experience in the Life Sciences. He has worked in the Aseptic Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology space to optimize customers’ operational processes and implement digital solutions to meet regulatory requirements. Jon’s mission is to deliver compliant digital solutions and expand digital capabilities to solve his
customers business problems.